The very fact that this great man laid his hands upon my book, is in itself an incredible feeling! In the month of February, 2015, the most awaited anthology 'Blank Space', was released. The celebration was, firstly, because I was the author of the story, 'She was loved anyway' under my pen name, Sun Bloom, and secondly it was going to be released through the hands of great visionaries of India, Sir APJ and Sir Kailash Satyarthi. Both of them being admirers of children, and the anthology being exclusively for schooling children, all kindred thoughts and people fell in the right place and at the right time. And then, this idea turned into reality!
My Anthology, Blank Space |
The project being launched by Sir APJ Image Credit: Blank Space page on Facebook |
The project being launched by Sir Kailash Satyarthi Image Credit: Blank Space page on Facebook |
When I heard the news about Dr. APJ's death, the fact that he had touched my life so closely and now is gone forever, struck me numb for a moment. At second thought, there was a gratifying feeling that I was one of the lucky writers to be recognized through him.
Lucky to be caressed by Sir APJ's grace, I dedicate this blog post to him!
I would like to end with his inspiring quote.
No sanction can stand against ignited minds.
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